Visa Network Tokens

Drive value and revenue with secure and seamless payment experiences for your customers.
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Payment service providers around the world are leveraging Visa Network Tokens to enable secure and seamless digital checkout experiences for their merchants and customers. By using digital tokens instead of PAN data, sensitive payment information stays safe throughout the entire transaction and authorization processes.

Leverage network tokens to:

Tokenization around the world

Network tokens are rapidly becoming essential to the digital checkout experience, with more token enablers and merchants investing in tokens everyday:³

Central Europe, Middle East and Africa

24 %


35 %

Latin America and the Caribbean

19 %

North America

37 %

Asia Pacific

26 %

Ready to make Visa Network Tokens your strategic advantage?

¹ Visa Risk Datamart, Global, FY22 Q1 – Q4 Token Fraud Rate vs PAN Fraud Rate by PV for merchants with over 1,000 CNP token transactions per month per country. Merchant’s individual results may vary.

² VisaNet, Oct–Dec 2022. Visa credit and debit global card-not-present transactions for tokenized vs non-tokenized credentials. Auth rate is defined as approved authorizations divided by total authorization attempts based upon first attempt of a unique transaction.

³ VisaNet July 2023 CNP.